Bangkok Day Spa

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7 Benefits Of Body And Skin Care Treatments

Looking and feeling better go hand in hand, and with the right body and skin care treatments, it's possible to both look and feel better in mind, spirit and body.

Here are seven benefits that are easy to achieve with therapeutic body and skin care treatments. 

1. Tension relief

The daily grind can cause us to carry tension in our shoulders, necks, backs — even our legs! An authentic Thai massage can release this tension, as your massage therapist stretches, kneads, and unlocks your muscles. Micro treatments such as foot reflexology also signal your body to release itself from the stress inflicted by your mind.

2. Healthy skin

Our skin protects us from the toxins and rigors of the outside world, so keeping it healthy protects our overall well-being. Facials and body scrub treatments cleanse and strengthen the skin, resulting in a healthy glow that does more than just make you look your best.

3. Chronic pain relief

Sitting, standing or being on the move for extended amounts of time contributes to chronic pains throughout the body. In other words, doing too much of anything can hurt! Authentic Thai massage can offer a great amount of relief from persisting aches and pains. Some time spent in and herbal steam sauna can help relax the muscles exacerbating chronic pain.

4. Flush toxins

Ridding the body of toxins allows it to function more efficiently when you need it, as you meet and adapt to the challenges of your life. Facials and body treatments may clear the way out for pollutants, while an herbal steam sauna helps the body release the bad and infuse the good.

5. Improved circulation

Even though they may ultimately relax you, the stretches of an authentic Thai massage will also get the blood moving through your body. This will increase the flow of nourishment throughout the body and mind, and to every external limb. An herbal steam sauna draws heat to the surface of your body, opening all the pathways and increasing a positive flow.

6. Increased confidence

In addition to detoxifying release of many body and skin care treatments, the clean smooth skin that results from facials and waxing helps you manifest your best, most confident self. This helps to project better energy to the world, which will reciprocate by projecting better energy back at you.

7. Relaxes the mind and body

Whether your mind is working overtime due to stress, or your body feels tense and tired from a rigorous daily routine, the benefits of body and skin care treatments will be immediate and satisfying. They can help you find a complete relaxation of mind and body you may carry forward into a healthier life!

At Bangkok Day Spa in San Diego, we offer a long list of body and skin care treatments, including authentic Thai and other massage techniques, therapeutic body scrubs, manicures, waxing, herbal sauna, and reflexology. Contact us to schedule an appointment to experience these and other benefits.