Bangkok Day Spa

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The Health Benefits Of Thai Massage

For 2,500 years, practitioners of Thai massage have bestowed numerous health benefits on their patients and clients. Thai massage derives from the Ayurvedic tradition, which is why it's also known as Thai yoga massage, or lazy man's yoga. In essence, much of Thai massage involves a series of assisted yoga poses, wherein the masseuse manually stretches the patient to deepen each pose for maximum effect.

Improve Posture, Circulation, & Flexibility  

In this sense, some of the health benefits of Thai massage echo those of practicing yoga: improved posture, increased circulation, and greater flexibility. Like yoga, Thai massage helps loosen and elongate muscles, resulting in lower muscular stress on various parts of the body. At the end of a Thai massage, a patient will feel thoroughly relaxed, loose and de-stressed.

Relieve Pain From Aching Muscles

However, while a yoga practice may prove rigorous exercise that works out muscles and leave them aching, a health benefit of the stretches performed during a Thai massage can actually be the relief of aching muscles. Furthermore, a thorough Thai massage may provide temporary relief of pain covering an array of injuries or chronic issues.

Relieve Pain From Chronic Injuries 

Stretching and massage may reduce the impact of chronic conditions in general, and Thai massage excels in this regard. By relaxing tense muscles, the massage may reduce any points of stress exacerbating a chronic injury. By kneading out the knots in these muscles, the massage improves circulation, increasing the flow of blood to the affected region, providing short term relief and long term healing properties.

Elevate Your Mood 

Another related health benefit of a Thai massage may be an elevated mood. Some of this comes from the natural response to reduced pain, relaxed muscles, and improved circulation — anybody is bound to be in a better mood when they feel more comfortable and at ease. 

Mind & Body 

However, the greater sense of well being provided by Thai massage comes from the mind as well as the body. The soothing massaging and stretching relaxes the body to the point it creates an ideal meditative space, wherein the patient may clear his or her mind and focus on deep, regulated breathing. As with a healthful nap, the prolonged easing of consciousness that may result can help the brain let go of problematic fixations, resetting a patient's consciousness and allowing for a more positive outlook.

Decrease Production Of Cortisol (Stress Hormone) 

Additionally, studies in neurochemistry suggest a Thai massage actively decreases production of the stress hormone cortisol, while stimulating levels of a positive-feeling hormone, serotonin. 

Experience The Health Benefits Of A Thai Massage At Bangkok Day Spa 

Whether you choose to believe the improved mental state resulting from a Thai massage to be more spiritual or chemical in nature, the health benefits of reducing pain and stress, improving circulation and promoting a positive outlook are tough to ignore. It's little wonder this ancient discipline continues to provide a better quality of life for patients around the globe. Call us today to receive all the health benefits of a Thai Massage!