Bangkok Day Spa

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How Massage Therapy Helps Heal Muscles & Relieve Pain

Despite the old adage, No Pain, No Gain, there's no reason for anyone to endure the pain associated with exercise and muscle injury. Not when there are safe and effective treatments that not only relieve sore muscles, but speed up recovery and renew energy. We're not talking about taking any kind of pills — rather, the fact that massage therapy helps heal muscles & relieve pain.

chronic pain sufferers

When chronic pain sufferers self-medicate, they tend to use a class of over the counter medications called non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Common NSAIDs include ibuprofen and naproxen, better known by brand names like Advil and Aleve. The point of taking these pills is to reduce the painful inflammation of body tissue, such as the kind people experience after significant exercise.

However, mounting evidence suggests these quick fix pills aren't really all that effective in relieving pain or healing muscles. While these options might have some success in taking the edge off acute pain, their results pale in comparison to those of massage therapy and related treatments. Even a couples massage boasts lasting healing properties.

Reduce inflammation

Time Magazine has reported that experiencing a massage physically reduces and inhibits the inflammatory cytokines, the proteins that cause inflammatory pain. Citing a study that first appeared in Science Translational Medicine, the article also points out that massage stimulates the production of mitochondria, which aid in muscle recovery.

Other recent studies by research institutes in New York and Australia indicate that using NSAIDs to treat back pain is ineffective sixty, or even ninety percent of the time. For most people experiencing chronic back pain, such over the counter anti-inflammatory medications are more likely to cause long-term gastrointestinal issues than offer short-term pain relief.

prevents muscle from strain or injury

Meanwhile, a Reuters news story last year reported that massage therapy helps heal muscles, and reduces pain more successfully than over the counter treatments. It suggests the reduced physical tension resulting from a massage prevents muscles from exacerbating strain or injury. What's more is, the psychological release further promotes this by alleviating clenching and muscular tension due to stress.

Studies like these overwhelmingly recommend physical treatments such as massage therapy make more sense compared to risking the side effects of ineffectual medications. Massage therapy is consistently shown to be more effective in targeting the muscular causes of back pain, in addition to providing relief. They suggest this is especially true when supplemented by stretching exercises, which elongate muscles and therefore place less pressure on points of pain and or injury.

the advantages of thai massage for healing

That's where Thai massage offers an advantage over other massage traditions, as Thai masseuses offer manual stretching of a client's body, in addition to therapeutic touch. An effective Thai massage leaves the body tension-free and primed for quick healing and recovery.

At Bangkok Day Spa, massage therapy options include aromatherapy, deep tissue, hot stone, and couples massage, in addition to authentic Thai massage. Our licensed therapists will also combine on of these with a classic Swedish massage for the ultimate in pain relief and healing touch.